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Perlambatan Ekonomi Indonesia 1997
Messi, M. Nawir
Rachbini, Didik J.
Article from Bulletin/Magazine
Dalam koleksi:
Bisnis dan ekonomi politik vol. 1 no. 1 (1997)
page 8-22.
perlambatan ekonomi
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In 1996, the indonesian economy grew at 7.8 percent per year, and in 1997 the economy is expected to slow down and grow at 7,4 percent per year. The slow growth is also expected to occur at almost all sectors of the economy. The growth of agricultural sector decreases from 4,2 to 3,0 percent per year in 1995 and 1996 respectively, and continue to decrease in 1997, even tough it is not as rapid as in the previous year. A rapid drop was also occured in the construction sector, which grew at 12,9 percent per year in 1995, but drop to 10,9 percent in 1996. Even tough the performance of manufacturing sector was relatively better compared to other sectors, the decrease in investmnet and in export of strategic commodities, excluding oil and gas, could also cause a slowing down in this sector. Debt - service ratio was estimated at 32 percent in 1996 and is expected to increase in 1997 unless restructuring programs is undertaken. Current account deficit increased from 7,2 to 8,2 billlion U. S. dollar in 1995 and 1996, respectively. The deficit is expected to rise to 9,9 billion U. S. dollars in 1997, given the growth of import is high. Interestingly, the overheating phenomena in the indonesian economy has continued to exist in the last two years and lead the governments to employ tight - money policy and other monetary - policy instrument. The paper shows that a direct policy intervention would not solve the roots of the problems of overheating in the economy, high inflation and current account deficit. Finally, policy recommendations should be directed towards eliminating economic distortions in the supply - side, in order to balance to rapid growth of the demand - side. The issue of entry barriers in some strategic industries, non - competitive market structure of some basic commodities should obtain a high priority attention in formulating economic policies in 1997.
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