This study is aimed at reviewing the factors influencing the discipline as well as working motivation of the employees in the Credit Program Division of the Head Office as well as of the Specific Branch Office of Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI), Jakarta. One of the said influencing factors is the leadership. This way, leadership will be functioning as the free variable, whereas discipline and working motivation as the dependent variable. This study belongs to causal research, where the dependent variable (Y) relates or is influenced bt the free variable (X). The research population is the employees of Credit Program Division in the Jakarta Specific Branch Office, totaling to 48 people, who are all included as the research samples. So, the sampling technique applied is the saturation one. Data gathering method applied is questionnaire distribution, which has been well proven for its validity and reliability. The collected data are then analyzed by using descriptive as well as statistical analysis (correlation coefficient, determination coefficient, t Test, and regression). From the result of descriptive analysis, it’s found that generally the conditions of leadership, working discipline, and working motivation of the employees in the Credit Program Division in the Head office as well as in the Specific Branch Office of BRI Jakarta are considered fine. Meanwhile, from the result of statistical analysis, it’s found that the leadership has positive and significant influence towards the employees’ working discipline, in that the better the leadership the higher the working discipline is, and on the other hand, the worse the leadership against the employees will result in the declining of working discipline. It’s discovered further that leadership has positive and significant influence against the employees’ working motivation, so that the better the leadership the higher the working discipline is, and on the contrary, the worse the employees leadership will result in the decreasing of working discipline. Based on the above results, an effort is needed to improve leadership through implementing leadership trainings, emotional as well as spiritual intelligences, which are currently considered capable for increasing leadership effectiveness. Some further study needs to be conducted through similar (quantitative) approach, but with bigger number of samples to obtain wider generalization area. |