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Collection Detail
On the Impact of Public Investment on the Performance of U.S. Industries
Pereira, Alfredo M.
Andraz, JorgeM.
Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi:
Public Finance Review vol. 31 no. 1 (Jan. 2003)
page 66-90.
Isi artikel
This article uses a vector auto-regressive/error correction mechanism (VAR/ECM) approach to evaluate empirically the disaggregated effects of public capital formation on private sector performance at the industry level. The authors estimate for the U.S. economy and for 12 industries covering the whole spectrum of economic activity in the United States. Empirical results at the aggregate level indicate that public investment affects positively private inputs and private output. Empirical results at the industry level suggest that public investment tends to shift the sectoral composition of employment toward construction and transportation and the composition of private investment toward manufacturing, public utilities, and communications. Furthermore, public investment tends to shift the composition of private output toward construction, durable manufacturing, transportation, and wholesale trade. Accordingly, the empirical results suggest that public investment seems to be a powerful instrument to enhance long-term private sector performance but that it does so in a way that is rather unbalanced across industries.
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