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Collection Detail
Gender, Parental and Peer Influences Upon Science Attitudes and Activities
Beardsell, Susan
Breakwell, Glynis M.
Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi:
Public Understanding of Science vol. 1 no. 2 (Apr. 1992)
page 183-197.
Isi artikel
This paper explom the exlent to which variance in science attitudes and involvement in science activities may bc attributable to gender, parental and p”r influences upon 11-14 year olds in the UK. The data pnsmted are derived from a sample of 391 pupils drawn at random, but stratified by age and gender, from Local Education Authority schools (i.e. schools within the state sector where parents make no direct payments for education). A self-completion questionnaire was administered to the pupils in school. Attitudes toward scientific change, involvement in scientific extracurricular activity. liking and performance in schwl science subjects, and participation in peer youth culture were indexed, in addition to estimates of the amount of positive regard for science expressed by pem and parents. Bays had more positive attitudes to science and grenter levels of participation in scientific cxtra-curricular activities. They also reported performing bctter at school science than girls. A positive attitude to science was strongly positively related Lo having a father and mother who support science, coming from a lower socio-ewnomic family background, being male, and having scientific p”. Greater involvement in scientific extracurricular activities was predicted by having a father who supports science, having parents who engage in activities jointly with their children, and having scientific peers. In term of predicting participation in science, liking of it and succcss at it, thse data lead to the conclusion that both parental and peer support are influential. Though it does sam that they are relatively more important in predicting variance in attitudes to science in society than as indicators of liking of or performance at schwl science. The problem involved in estimating whether commonly reported gender effects are mediated through per or parental support are discussed.
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