Anda belum login :: 04 Dec 2024 01:00 WIB
BukuComment on the Status of Systematic Desensitization
Author: McGlynn, F. Dudley ; Gothard, Kelly D. (Co-Author); Smitherman, Todd A. (Co-Author)
Topik: systematic desensitization
Bahasa: (EN )    
Penerbit: SAGE Publications     Tempat Terbit: London    Tahun Terbit: 2004    
Jenis: Article - untuk jurnal ilmiah
Fulltext: 194BM282.pdf (74.0KB; 1 download)
Articles about systematic desensitization that appeared in mainstream behavior therapy journals between the years 1970 and 2002 were counted. Graphic displays of the data point to a sudden and lasting decline of interest in systematic desensitization among academics and researchers. A questionnaire concerning clinical use of orthodox systematic desensitization was mailed to 310 selected providers. Returns from 171 of those providers show that use of systematic desensitization has declined but continues to be fairly widespread. The decline of interest in systematic desensitization is explained; arguments are offered that revitalized interest would be beneficial but is not likely to occur.
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