Anda belum login :: 13 Mar 2025 09:47 WIB
BukuResearch on Posttreatment Return of Claustrophobic Fear, Arousal, and Avoidance Using Mock Diagnostic Imaging
Author: Wood, Barry S. ; McGlynn, F. Dudley (Co-Author)
Topik: Research; Avoidance; Mock Diagnostic Imaging; Arousal; Posttreatment Return; Claustrophobic Fear
Bahasa: (EN )    
Penerbit: SAGE Publications     Tempat Terbit: London    Tahun Terbit: 2000    
Jenis: Article - untuk jurnal ilmiah
Fulltext: 379BM243.pdf (81.0KB; 1 download)
Fear sometimes returns after attenuation via exposure. Return of fear is poorly understood due to conflicting results from diverse experiments. This article reports on two experiments in which claustrophobic fear during mock diagnostic imagingwas attenuated and allowed to return so the experiments could be evaluated and return of fear studied. Attentional focus versus distraction during exposure was a between-subjects independent variable. Attempts were made to predict return of fear, return of heart-rate responsivity, and behavioral avoidance using levels of fear and heart-rate during initial mock diagnostic imaging as predictor variables. One third of participants displayed return of fear, heart-rate response, or avoidance 1 week after fear reduction. Heart-rate response during initial mock imaging predicted posttreatment return-of-fear classification; level of fear during initial imaging did not. Neither initial heart rate nor initial fear predicted return of heartrate reactivity or avoidance. The experiments are offered as models for programmatic research.
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