Anda belum login :: 17 Feb 2025 14:15 WIB
BukuOrganizing the Field to Improve Research on Educational Administration
Author: Ogawa, Rodney T. ; Goldring, Ellen B. (Co-Author); Conley, Sharon (Co-Author)
Bahasa: (EN )    
Penerbit: Unika Atma Jaya     Tahun Terbit: 2006    
Jenis: Article
Fulltext: 340EAQ363.pdf (106.0KB; 0 download)
In early dis cussions, the Task Force on Inquiry and Research in Edu cational Administration considered the possibility that scholarship in the field might be improved by orga nizing or coordinating the efforts ofschol ars. The pur pose of this article is to examine this issue. The authors explain that research ers in edu ca tional admin istration already are organized in two ways. First, they tend to focus on com mon top ics, although the focal topics shift rap idly. Second, research ers coor dinate their work both for mally and informally. This might be taken to sug gest that organizing is not an effective strat egy forenhancing inquiry and research in our field because new knowledge typically is the product of indi vidual scholars who con sistently focus on one topic. The authors argue oth erwise, explaining that research ersmight focus on enduring conceptual problems while
studying timely top ics from the field. The authors also suggest that different collaborative structures may offer different advantages in encouraging and facilitating the research of indi vid ual schol ars.
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