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Collection Detail
Pandora’s Briefcase: Unpacking the Retirement Migration Decision
Longino, Charles F.
Perzynski, Adam T.
Stoller, Eleanor Palo
Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi:
Research On Aging vol. 24 no. 1 (Jan. 2002)
page 29-49.
Isi artikel
This is an exploratory study of the decision process leading to retirement migration. It uses a unique national study of a sample (n = 255) of retirees who were aging in place in a city in the upper Midwest, and a sample (n = 593) of retired migrants to a Southeastern community in Florida. Both sets of respondents were asked an extensive set of questions (1) about their potentialmove (or the experience of havingmoved), and how destinations are chosen; (2) about their attachments to people and places in their lives; and (3) their images of the advantages and disadvantages of living in their current and other locations. These data were sorted in a spirit of exploration; serious attempts were made to minimize advanced expectations. Pushes and pulls were found both at the origin and at the destination of retirement moves although satisfaction with current residence was very high in both places.
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