Anda belum login :: 07 Mar 2025 10:05 WIB
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Surfactant Transport Over Airway Liquid Lining of Nonuniform Depth
Jensen, O. E.
Williams, H. A. R.
Article from Bulletin/Magazine
Dalam koleksi:
Journal of Biomechanical Engineering vol. 122 no. 2 (2000)
page 159-165.
surfactant transport
airway liquid lining
nonuniform depth
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Numerous effects (e. g. airway wall buckling, gravity, airway curvature, capiilary instabilities) give rise to nonuniformities in the depth of the liquid lining of peripheral lung airwats. The effects of such thickness variations on the unsteady spreading of a surfactant monolayer along an airway are explored theoretically here. Flow - induced film deformations are shown to have only a modest influence on spreading rate, motivating the use of a simplifie dmodel in which the liquid - lining depth is prescribed and the monolayer concentration satisfies a spatially inhomogeneous non linear diffusion equation. Two generic situations are considered : spreading along a contiuous annular liquid lining of non uniform depth and spreading along a continuous annular liquid lining of non uniform depth, and spreading along a rivulet that wets the airway wall with zero contact angle. In both cases, transverse averaging at large times yields a one - dimensional approximation of axial spreading that is valid for the majority of the monolayer. However, a localized monolayer remains persistently two dimensional in a refion at its leading edge having axial length scalescomparable to the length scale of transverse depth variation. It is also shown how the transverse spreading of a monolayer may be arrested as it approaches a static contact line at the edge of a rivulet. Implications for surfactant replacement therapy are discussed.
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