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ArtikelMeasuring Racial Climate in Schools of Social Work: Instrument Development and Validation  
Oleh: Pike, Cathy King
Jenis: Article from Journal - e-Journal
Dalam koleksi: Research on Social Work Practice vol. 12 no. 1 (Jan. 2002), page 29-46.
Fulltext: 29RSWP121.pdf (100.11KB)
Isi artikelObjective: This article reports the initial validation of an instrument designed to measure racial climate in programs and schools of social work. Method: An unduplicated sample of students from one school of social work (N = 182) responded to a survey of racial climate. Psychometric analyses were computed to determine the reliability and validity of the instrument’s scales. Results: The scales attained high levels of internal consistency reliability, had a stable factor structure for the items as they were hypothesized, and performed well in preliminary analyses of convergent construct and known-groups validity. Conclusions: The results provided initial evidence of internal consistency reliability and content, construct, factorial, and known-groups validity.
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