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ArtikelPolitik Jurnalisme, Bukan Political Virgin  
Oleh: Veronica
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah nasional - tidak terakreditasi DIKTI - atma jaya
Dalam koleksi: Respons: Jurnal Etika Sosial vol. 11 no. 1 (Jul. 2006), page 16-28.
Topik: Politik; Obyektivitas; Retorika; Kejujuran Intelektual
Fulltext: Veronica.pdf (805.74KB)
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Isi artikelGary Woodward, by the approach of rhetorical theory, refuses the possibility of objectivity in modern journalism politic. In his opinion, political news has been influenced by the subject-factor, the journalist as ethic subject and the narrative form of the political news. The journalists, in Woodward's view are not political virgin who are able to make objective reports. Obviously, there are inherent limitations that anesthize politic journalism so that it can not fulfill the public service promised. The most possible effort, Woodward said, is to implement intellectual honesty in producing journalistic creation.
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