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Collection Detail
Leisure Time: Do Married and Single Individuals Spend It Differently?
Yoon G., Lee
Bhargava, Vibha
Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi:
Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal vol. 32 no. 3 (Mar. 2004)
page 254-274.
Isi artikel
Using data from the 1998-1999 Family Interaction, Social Capital, and Trends in Time Use Study, the authors estimated the time use of 1,151 respondents on various leisure activities (e.g., active leisure, passive leisure, and social entertainment).Onaverage, the most time was spent on active sports (12 minutes) in the active leisure category, TVuse (119 minutes) in the passive leisure category, and socializing with people (27 minutes) in the social entertainment category. Single individuals spent more time playing musical instruments, singing, acting, and dancing than married individuals. Single individuals also spent more time listening to the radio, watching TV, socializing with people, going to bars/lounges, and traveling for social activities than married individuals. Married individuals spent significantly less time for leisure activities than did single individuals. Among the sociodemographic factors, income, employment status, age, gender, and race of respondents were significant determinants of their time use for leisure.
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