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Prisoner Perspectives on Inmate Culture in New Mexico and New Zealand: A Descriptive Case Study
Winfree, L. Thomas
Newbold, Greg
Tubb, S. Houston
Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi:
The Prison Journal vol. 82 no. 2 (Jun. 2002)
page 213-233.
New Mexico
New Zealand
Inmate orientations
Isi artikel
Mediumsecurity prisoners in two nations provided personal insights into the inmate social systems found in their facilities: Southern New Mexico Correctional Facility is located near New Mexico's border with Mexico; Christchurch Prison is in New Zealand's South Island. Besides personal biographical and sociolegal questions, the inmates in both facilities responded to a series of closed- and open-ended questions about inmate values and norms. The only modification was to cast them in terminology relevant to the prisoners in each facility. In this analysis, the authors turn to three critical dimensions of alleged inmate values. Inmate orientations on qualities or features in others that they respect provide the first focus. The second explores the respect given to a series of 15 different types of criminal offenders. The final focus is the nature and extent of prison code adoption in both facilities. The authors also address several theoretical and practical concerns revealed by these analyses.
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