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BukuInterlanguage Errors in English Found in The Textbooks for Junior High School Students in Surakarta
Author: FAUZIATI, ENDANG ; Purwo, Bambang Kaswanti (Advisor)
Bahasa: (EN )    
Penerbit: Applied English Linguistics Program Graduate School Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia     Tempat Terbit: Jakarta    Tahun Terbit: 1999    
Jenis: Theses - Master Thesis
Fulltext: Endang Fauziati thesis.pdf (1.11MB; 14 download)
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    • Nomor Panggil: T 25, T25
    • Non-tandon: 2 (dapat dipinjam: 0)
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The present study deals with English used by the writers of English textbooks for Junior High School students. It is worth studying because of the phenomenon that their English is marked with a significant number of errors both in the area of vocabulary as well as grammar. This phenomenon has encouraged me to carry out a study on error analysis in order to find proof or evidence that their English is still at the level language learners or, using Selinker's tcrmr a fossilized interlanguage.
In conducting this study there are at least three major stages which have been donef namely, recognition, description, and explanation of errors. In order to make the study more comprehensive, I have also discussed things that can be implied from the findings of this research.
I have utilized the framework provided by Corder (1978,1981) to recognize errors included in the data. Having scrutinized the English textbooks as the sources of the data, I have collected approximately 225 sentences containing different types of errors. These sentences are then listed and used as the data of this study.
The errors collected are then, first, classified in terms of linguistic categories. There are at least two major classifications of errors: vocabulary and grammar. Errors on vocabulary have two significant features: vocabulary that can be traced to the textbook writers' native language and vocabulary that cannot be traced to their native language. Errors on grammar involve at least twelve different elements.

In order to have clear picture of the degree of the interference from the first as. well as from the target language, the errors are then classified based on the comparative taxonomy. There are at least three major categories: interlingual errors, developmental errors, and others.
Next, all types of errors are calculated. This calculation is aimed to find out the total number of errors as well as the frequency of the occurrence of each type of errors. The highest percentage of errors is recorded for vocabulary (50.52%) and the lowest percentage is recorded for errors categorized as miscellaneous: construction which lacks partitive "pair", dangling construction, and construction which lacks explicitness (1.34%).
The final stage is the explanation of errors. Here I have attempted to explain how and why such errors exist (the sources of errors). The sources or causes of errors are explainable through the process or the strategies the textbook writers have used when learning the second language. The analysis has revealed that there are at least three strategies of second language learning which have been utilized by the textbook writers: the strategy of second language communication, language transfer, and strategy of overgeneralization.
In addition, there are few errors that cannot be traced to the underlying strategies they have used. The sources of such errors are possibly the psychological pressure such as tiredness or carelessness. The other possible source is the external pressure such as the force to communicate meanings beyond their linguistic knowledge.
The conclusion that can be drawn from this study is that the biggest problem confronted by the textbook writers
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