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ArtikelW/Righting History a Pedagogical Approach With Urban African American Learners  
Oleh: Brandon, Lavada Taylor
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Urban Education vol. 39 no. 6 (Nov. 2004), page 638-657.
Topik: urban education; African American learners; oral history; diversity and education; multicultural education; critical pedagogy; emancipatory pedagogy; curriculum and instruction
Fulltext: 638UE396.pdf (93.21KB)
Isi artikelAn avid supporter of oral history, educator historian Carter G. Woodson maintained that an understanding of the past would enlighten present generations. Illuminating Woodson's spirit and philosophy, this article is written to investigate oral history as a theory and practice used to problematize traditional assumptions of history while licensing urban African American learners to become authors and constructors of knowledge. In so doing, the piece highlights educative possibilities of oral history as a pedagogical approach with urban African American students.
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