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Curveball Strategies to Fool The Competition
Stalk, George, [Jr.]
Article from Bulletin/Magazine - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi:
Harvard Business Review bisa di lihat di link ( vol. 84 no. 9 (Sep. 2006)
page 114-123.
competitive advantage
competitive rivalry between existing players
corporate strategy
customer service
sales strategy
strategic planning
strategy formulation
strategy implementation
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In this follow-up piece to his article "Hardball : Five Killer Strategies for Trouncing the Competition" (HBR, April 2004), George Stalk Jr. of the Boston Consulting Group offers another approach for prevailing over rivals. Strategic hardball is about playing rough and tough with competitors ; strategic curveball is about outfoxing them. It involves getting rivals to do something dumb that they otherwise wouldn't (that is, swing at a pitch that appears to be in the strike zone but isn't) or not do something smart that they otherwise would (that is, fail to swing at a pitch that's in the strike zone but appears not to be). Stalk describes four types of curveball : First, draw your rival out of the profit zone. Lure competitors into disadvantageous areas - for example, by competing for, but intentionally failing to win, the business of less profitable customers. Second, borrow techniques from unexpected places. Using the hardball tactic of plagiarizing good ideas, put rivals off balance by importing techniques from other industries - for example, employing the retailer's hard sell in the stodgy world of retail financial services. Third, disguise how you attain your success. Veil your methods by achieving an advantage through unlikely means - for example, generating product sales through your service operations. Finally, let rivals misinterpret the reasons for your success. Allow them to act on conventional but incomplete explanations for your success - for example, squeezing costs rather than aggressively utilizing assets. The author provides extended examples of these curveball strategies in action at companies such as the industrial - cleaning chemical supplier Ecolab and the Australian airline Jetstar.
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