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ArtikelMedia Capital Towards the Study of Spatial Flows  
Oleh: Curtin, Michael
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: International Journal of Cultural Studies vol. 6 no. 2 (Jun. 2003), page 202–228.
Topik: Chicago; cultural geography; culture industries; globalization; Hollywood; Hong Kong; media imperialism; television
Fulltext: 202IJCS62.pdf (115.62KB)
Isi artikelPrior studies that emphasize a one-way flow of US programming to the periphery of the world system are now being reassessed in light of the increasing volume and velocity of multi-directional media flows that emanate from particular cities, such as Bombay, Cairo, and Hong Kong. These emerging centers of transnational cultural production suggest a need to supplement the current scholarly emphasis on national media systems with a more intensive examination of media capitals. Examining the histories of Hollywood, Hong Kong, and Chicago television, this essay illustrates how scholars might use media capital as a concept that would foster empirically grounded analysis of the temporal dynamism and spatial complexity of the global media environment.
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