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ArtikelBanality, Book Publishing and the Everyday Life of Cultural Studies  
Oleh: Striphas, Ted
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: International Journal of Cultural Studies vol. 5 no. 4 (Des. 2002), page 438–460.
Topik: banality; book publishing industry; cultural studies; everyday life; institutionalization; pedagogy; translation
Fulltext: 438IJCS54.pdf (101.14KB)
Isi artikelThis article explores the institutionalization of cultural studies relative to changes taking place in North American universities and the global book publishing industry. Assuming that the publishing industry is a key site in which cultural studies gets negotiated and defined, I ask: what are the politics of publishing cultural studies? I argue that the demands of contemporary university life and current publishing practices potentially lend themselves to a banal and depoliticized, or worse yet a politically retrograde, 'global' cultural studies, in which the important work of many scholars working outside the field's Anglophone centers ironically becomes marginalized. I conclude by exploring how those who practice and publish cultural studies might approach publishing projects in a manner more sensitive to the field's own global information flows.
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