Anda belum login :: 07 Mar 2025 09:21 WIB
ArtikelMultidimensional Constructs In Organizational Behavior Research : An Integrative Analytical Framework  
Oleh: Edwards, Jeffrey R.
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Organizational Research Methods vol. 4 no. 2 (2001), page 144-192.
Topik: organizations; research; organizational behaviour; statistical methods; mathematical models
Fulltext: 144[1].pdf (295.72KB)
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Isi artikelMultidimensional constructs are widely used to represent several distinct dimensions as a single theoretical concept. The utility of multidimensional constructs relative to their dimensions has generated considerable debate and this debate creates a dilemma for researchers who want the creadth and comprehensiveness of multidimensional constructs and the precision and clarity of their dimensions. To address this dilemma, this article presents an integrative analytical framework that incorporates multidimensional construtcs and their dimensions, using structural equation modeling with latent variables. This framework permits the study of broad questions regarding multidimensional constructs along with specific questions concerning the dimensions of these constructs. The framework also provides tests of issues underlying the mutidimensional construct debate, thereby allowing researchers to address these issues on a study - by - study basis. The framework is illustrated using data from studies of th effects of personality on responses to conflict and the effects of work attitudes on employee adaptation.
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