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ArtikelSelf-Enhancement by Social Comparison : A Prospective Analysis  
Oleh: Zuckerman, Miron ; O'Loughlin, Ryan E.
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin ( vol. 32 no. 06 (2006), page 751-760.
Topik: self-enhancement; self - enhancement; adjustment; prospective analysis
Fulltext: 751.pdf (128.19KB)
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Isi artikelA longitudinal investigation showed that self - enhancement by social comparison (assessing whether people perceive themselves more positively than they perceive others) was prospectively related to an increase in self - reported adjustment, controlling for the effects of narcissism. Better adjustment, including higher self - esteem, was not prospectively related to an increase in self - enhancement. The investigation also included a diary period, allowing the assessment of intrasubject covariation between daily reports of self - esteem and daily reports of perceived challenge and daily events (positive or negative). High (compared to low) self - enhancers were less likely to report lower self - esteem under higher challenge and less likely to report higher self - esteem under positive events.
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