Anda belum login :: 17 Feb 2025 13:47 WIB
ArtikelMen, Sport, Spinal Cord Injury and the Construction of Coherence: Narrative Practice in Action  
Oleh: Smith, Brett ; Sparkes, Andrew C.
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Qualitative Research vol. 2 no. 2 (Agu. 2002), page 143-171.
Topik: coherence; men; narrative; spinal cord injury; sport
Fulltext: 143QR2.2.pdf (130.95KB)
Isi artikelBased on life history data, this article explores the manner in which coherence is constructed in the narratives told by two men who have acquired a spinal cord injury through playing sport. Drawing on the principles advocated by Gubrium and Holstein, and Holstein and Gubrium, along with a number of analytic concepts provided by others (e.g. Frank, Gerschick and Miller, Leder, van Manen and Yoshida), we illustrate how various narrative practicesui9 inform this process and how they are framed by both the local and cultural conventions of telling. It is suggested that coherence is not an inherent feature of narratives but is both artfully crafted in the telling and drawn from the available meanings, structures and linkages that comprise stories.
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