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Peningkatan Batas Arus Gagal pada Superconducting Fault Current Limiter
Winatapura, Didin S.
Adi, Wisnu Ari
Sukirman, Engkir
Yustinus P.
Article from Journal - ilmiah nasional - tidak terakreditasi DIKTI
Dalam koleksi:
Jurnal Sains Materi Indonesia vol. 7 no. 1 (2005)
page 92.
YBCO ring
fault current limit
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The increase of fault current limit on the superconducting fault current limiter. Research for increasing the fault current limit on the superconducting fault current limiter (SFCL) have been done. the SFCL us a fault current limiter device used as the electrical network security. The SFCL is essentially a transformer consists of a copper coil as the primary and superconducting rings of YBCO as the secondary windings. in this experiment the trafo of number 170, i.e one with core length of e = 8.5 cm and the YBCO ring with inner diameter di = 2.35 mm, outer diameter do = 4.07 cm, thick t = 0.68 cm, critical temperature Te = 91K and critical current Ic = 3.52 A were used. the SFCL test circuit consists of the ac voltage source, the load of RL = 250 ohm and SFCL each of one aer connected in seried. The experimental result shows that the limiting current is If = 0.15 A. While on the research beforehand used the trafo of number 130 i.e one with core length of e = 7 cm and the YBCO ring with inner diameter di = 2.44 cm, outer diameter do = 4.2 cm, thick t = 0.86 cm, critical temoerature Tc = 91 K and critical current Ic = 3.40 A, we get If = 0.03 A. Thus the fault current limit can be increased beside by increasing the dimension of trafo and the STT ring also by increasing it's critical current.
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