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ArtikelFamily Relationship Quality and Contact With Deviant Peers as Predictors of Adolescent Problem Behaviors: The Moderating Role of Gender  
Oleh: Silbereisen, Rainer K. ; Werner, Nicole E.
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Journal of Adolescent Research ( vol. 18 no. 5 (Sep. 2003), page 454-480.
Topik: family relationships; problem behaviour; family relations; gender; peer relationships; adolescent development
Fulltext: 454.pdf (270.65KB)
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    • Nomor Panggil: JJ81.5
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Isi artikelThis investigation examines how family relationship quality and contact with deviant peers (CDP) contributed to change in problem behaviours in a sample of german adolescnets (M age = 14,6 years). In particular, the authors were interested in whether gender of the adolescent and parent moderated these associations, and whether individual differences in the average level and / or changes in family and peer risk factors predicted change in problem behaviour across a 12 to 18 month period. Two waves of data collected from 248 adolescents, mothers (N = 248), and fathers (N = 176) were analyzed using path analysis. Results revealed that CDP was directly associated with increases in problem behaviours, whereas family influence on problem behaviours was indrect and varied as a function of gender. Specifically, family cohesion and closeness with fathers were associated with females' CDP only. Findings are discussed in terms of theories positing females' sensitivity to family stress and the fathers' role of females' behavioural development.
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