Anda belum login :: 07 Mar 2025 09:37 WIB
ArtikelPerilaku Fraktal Susunan Partikel Dan Pola Percabangan Pori-Pori Tanah : Suatu Kontribusi Empiris Bagi Geometri Non Euclidus  
Oleh: Bakri, Samsul
Jenis: Article from Bulletin/Magazine
Dalam koleksi: Integral: Majalah Ilmiah Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam vol. 10 no. 2 (Jul. 2005), page 60-77.
Topik: susunan partikel tanah; particle arrangement; pore trace bifurcation; fractal dimension
  • Perpustakaan Pusat (Semanggi)
    • Nomor Panggil: II48.2
    • Non-tandon: 1 (dapat dipinjam: 0)
    • Tandon: tidak ada
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Isi artikelThe notion of soil as the 3 dimensions of nature body is considered as an obsolete insight that contrary to this fractal geometry of porous media. The notion makes our procedure in finding pore parameters of the porous type of media has no shed to physically conception insight and exerts as to do a tedious : time consuming and expensive empiricsm of laboratory or field works. To reduce these empiricisms, it needed to conduct this research the objected to revela the fractal dimension of soil particles arrangement (D) and their pore trace bifurcation (De). It consisted of soil sampling in surrounding bogor areas and soil texture analysis at soil chemistry laboratory of bogor agriculture university (IPB) from june 1998, september 1999. The 10 fractions of soil practicle (diameter < 0.5 ; 0,5 - 2 , 2,0 - 5,0 , 5,0 - 20 , 20 - 50 , 50 - 100 , 100 - 210 , 210 - 500 , 500 - 1000 , 1000 - 2000 um) were determine by pipette method. The D and De values were determined by box counting and slit island methods respectively. Validation was carried out by employing X(2) statistic test to compare the research results with the published empirical parameters of soil pores. The result showed that the soil particles arrangement (and pore trace bifurcation) in composting soil mass exhibits the fractal behaviour with their D values were around 2,370 - 2,983 (and the De values were around 1,370 - 1,983). These values were not significantly differenet from the established empirical parameters of the soil pores in the statistic test. Based upon this research, it is encouraged to conduct research on other porous media such as cement wall, rock, plastics, fiber materials, etc, to parameterize their fractal behaviour in conjunction with their utilization in prediction of transport processes of fluid, gaseous materials and heat transfer.
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