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Parametric Study of Laterally Loaded Short Pile in Sand
Sulistyono, Chosun Eko
Article from Journal - ilmiah nasional
Dalam koleksi:
Jurnal Penelitian Edisi Ilmu-Ilmu Teknik vol. X no. 1 (1999)
page 41-55.
non dimensional moment
moment capacity
lateral load
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A study concerning with the moment capacity of free-head rigid pile subjected to horizontal load embedded in dry .sand was reported. The experimental work was devoted to laboratory small and medium size model piles. The model piles used in the experimental work were solid steel model piles having diameters of 30mm. 50mm, 60mm and 114mm. Embedment ratio L/D ranging between 1 and 7 for 30mm and 60mm diameter piles and LID ranging between 1 and 5 for 50mm and 114mm diameter piles were tested. Pulling height ratio, e/L ranging from 1 to 7 were employed. The influence of pulling height on the overturning maximum moment were examined both experimentally and theoretically based on previous researchers findings. The observed maximum moments are compared with those calcu¬lated according to an empirical formula based on field tests proposed by the International Union of Railways, Office of Research and Experiments, and simplified theoretical approach given Broms and Hansen. It was also observed that, moment capacity of a short pile is a function of it embedment length, pulling height ratio and the density of the sand. Generally limiting moment was achieved when e/L>LJD for all size of piles length.
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