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Proceedings of the Ninth International Congress of Linguists, Cambridge, Mass., August 27-31, 1962
Lunt, Horace G.
(EN )
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Artikel dalam koleksi ini
On the methods of internal reconstruction
, halaman 9-30
A statistical study of English syntax
, halaman 37-43
Measures of linguistic divergence
, halaman 44-50
Mathematics of genealogical relationships between languages
, halaman 51-57
Mathematical linguistics: A trend in name of in fact
, halaman 61-66
Aspects et fonctions linguistiques des variations melodiques dans la chaine parlee
, halaman 72-77
Minimal systems, potential distinctions, and primitive structures
, halaman 78-83
Stress, juncture, and syllabification in phonemic description
, halaman 85-92
Pattern fringe and the evaluation of phonological analyses
, halaman 94-99
Pleniphonetic transcription in phonetic analysis
, halaman 101-106
Dialect borders and linguistic systems
, halaman 109-114
Structure and typology of dialectical differentiation
, halaman 115-121
Remarques sur quelques isoglosses dialectales
, halaman 130-133
Interrelation between regional and social dialects
, halaman 135-142
On systems of grammatical structure: Studies in New Guinea and South America
, halaman 145-152
Concerning the logical basis of linguistic theory
, halaman 155-159
On the fundamentals of sentence structure
, halaman 161-165
Fundamentals of syntax
, halaman 166-170
Is there an interlingual element in syntax?
, halaman 176-190
Some syntactic rules for Mandarin
, halaman 191-202
The significance of accentuation in English words
, halaman 204-210
Spanish ll, y and rr in Buenos Aires and Corrientes
, halaman 212-215
English syntax problems of Filipinos and the principles of linguistic relativity
, halaman 217-222
Learning problems involving Italian [s], [z] and English /s/, /z/
, halaman 224-225
On the use of zero in morphemics
, halaman 228-229
The fallacy of a universal list of basic vocabulary
, halaman 232-236
On the validity of comparative lexicostatistics
, halaman 238-246
Le renouvellement des methodes en linguistique geographique
, halaman 253-256
On some traces of the unknown language-substratum in the northern Uralic languages
, halaman 263-265
Les niveaux de l'analyse linguistique
, halaman 266-274
The description of a poem
, halaman 294-300
The linguistic study of literary texts
, halaman 302-306
Poetry and grammaticalness
, halaman 308-313
The stylistic function
, halaman 316-321
Styles as dialects
, halaman 324-329
Compounding as a phonological process
, halaman 331-336
Grammatical categories and their phonetic exponents
, halaman 338-343
Mohawk prefix generation
, halaman 346-354
Theory and practice in morpheme identification
, halaman 358-365
Some aspects of bilingualism among cultured people in Catalonia
, halaman 366-372
Aspects of borrowing: A stylistic and comparative view of American elements in modern German, and British English
, halaman 374-380
The proliferation and extension of Bantu phonemic systems influenced by Bushman and Hottentot
, halaman 382-389
Transfert du systeme phonologique de Blaesheim sur une autre langue, le francais
, halaman 392-397
On the use of distinctive feature analysis in comparative historical linguistics
, halaman 398-401
Initial points versus initial segments of linguistic trajectories
, halaman 402-405
Points de repere dans l'evaluation de la parente speciale de deux langues
, halaman 407-410
La sextuple articulation du langage
, halaman 412-413
A propos de la theorie des oppositions binaries
, halaman 414-417
Some universals of word order
, halaman 418-420
The structure of meaning
, halaman 421-426
Statistical considerations and semantic content
, halaman 427-431
The hereditary and environmental components of language
, halaman 434-438
Phasia: On the phylogenesis of speech; a bioanthropological contribution
, halaman 440-446
Classification et typologie linguistique: Le famille Tupi-Guarani
, halaman 448-451
Phonemic velarization in literary Arabic
, halaman 453-455
Les consonnes postnasalisees en Nouvelle Caledonie
, halaman 460-461
How did the indicator of the objective case develop in Japanese?
, halaman 462-466
La relation genitive dans quelques langues mande
, halaman 467-474
Non-omissible determiners in Slavic languages
, halaman 476-478
Lexicostatistics has not yet attained the status of a science
, halaman 480-489
Problemes de lexicostatistique sud-semitique
, halaman 490-496
Le fait dictionnaire
, halaman 497-503
Translation without machine
, halaman 504-510
Patterns of grammatical development in child language
, halaman 511-516
Linguistic factors in the evolution of the alphabet
, halaman 519-520
Structural variation in language
, halaman 521-528
Expansion vs. reduction grammar: Separate, reciprocal, or what?
, halaman 533-536
Signes et symboles dans les grandeurs les moins complexes du plan du contenu
, halaman 537-544
Une categorie verbale: Le futur du passe
, halaman 547-551
Can dan may: A problem of multiple meaning
, halaman 552-555
The notion "idiolect": Contrasting conceptualizations in linguistics
, halaman 556-560
Informant morphemes versus analyst morphemes
, halaman 562-569
The current status of Dravidian historical and comparative studies
, halaman 570-573
The present state of New Guinea (non-Melanesian or Papuan) and Australian historical and comparative linguistics
, halaman 575-579
The phonemic pattern of South-Lappish
, halaman 580-588
"Phoneme of cluster" and the phonemic status of the Rumanian affricates
, halaman 589-592
Word classes in classical Chinese
, halaman 594-597
A problem in Navaho syntax
, halaman 601-603
Contribution a l'etude sociologique des bilinguismes
, halaman 612-621
Linguistic aspects of translation
, halaman 625-633
Pourquoi les lois phonetiques sont sans exception
, halaman 638-642
Allophones, allomorphs, and conditioned change
, halaman 645-649
The nature of sound-change
, halaman 650-656
Types of sound change
, halaman 658-661
On the utility of an overall pattern in historical English phonology
, halaman 663-668
Subcategories in transformational grammars
, halaman 672-677
Kernel and non-kernel sentences in transformational grammar
, halaman 692-696
, halaman 698-703
The impact of language data processing on linguistic analysis
, halaman 706-712
Statistical determinationa of isotopy
, halaman 713-721
Content recognition and the production of synonymous expressions
, halaman 722-728
The decline of Latin as a model for linguistic analysis
, halaman 730-736
On the present state of Indo-European linguistics
, halaman 738-741
The structural framework of Panini's linguistic analysis of Sanskrit
, halaman 743-747
Speech, language and inner form
, halaman 748-755
Analogy and analogic change as reflected in contemporary Hebrew
, halaman 758-763
On defining the word
, halaman 767-770
La notion de noeme
, halaman 771-777
Sur la categorie du neutre
, halaman 779-780
Partitive apposition
, halaman 784-794
A proposito de las oraciones subordinadas
, halaman 796-802
Information measures
, halaman 804-811
L'evolution des couples aspectuels du grec
, halaman 813-817
Les "derives" sanscrits en -ac, -ic, -uc
, halaman 818-826
Some possible systemic changes in a Semitic system of language
, halaman 827-832
Intonation as a universal
, halaman 833-844
Reflexions sur le statut phonologique de l'intonation
, halaman 849-856
The theory of the function of the preverb ga-
, halaman 859-861
Die altgermanischen elemente in den Balkansprachen und die Frage des sog. Balkangermanischen
, halaman 862-868
Diachronic development of structural patterns in the Germanic conjugation system
, halaman 870-880
The basic grammatical categories of Bengali
, halaman 881-890
Writing, speech, and society: Some changing interrelationships
, halaman 892-896
Phonetics and phonemics
, halaman 900-903
The logical basis of linguistic theory
, halaman 914-977
Morphological analysis and syntactic reconstruction in Eskimo-Aleut
, halaman 1009-1015
Progress in Otomanguean reconstruction
, halaman 1016-1025
Algonquian languages and genetic relationship
, halaman 1026-1031
Preliminaries to the reconstruction of Indo-European sentence structure
, halaman 1035-1042
Meaning in morphemes and compound lexical units
, halaman 1046-1050
Worttheorie auf strukturalistischer und inhaltsbezogener grundlage
, halaman 1053-1061
Semantic value
, halaman 1066-1072
The structural analysis of kinship semantics
, halaman 1073-1089
Sentence sequence in discourse
, halaman 1094-1098
Bi-polarity in Arabic kinship terms
, halaman 1100-1106
Sociolinguistic variation and language change
, halaman 1107-1112
Hindi-Punjabi code-switching in Delhi
, halaman 1115-1124
Continuite de langue, continuite ethnographique chez les grecs du Pont-Euzin (Asie Mineure)
, halaman 1125-1128
Bipartite division of syllables in Chinese phonology
, halaman 203
The nasal vowel phonemes of French: A case history
, halaman 211
Glottochronology with retention-rate inhomogeneity
, halaman 237
New methods to interpret linguistic maps
, halaman 259
La teoria Crociana e la linguistica strutturale
, halaman 260
Sign, meaning, society
, halaman 261
The current status of linguistic studies on the classification of the Manchu-Tungus group
, halaman 452
Moses Ben Ezra's "graves": The linguistic analysis of a short poem
, halaman 518
Le tokharien et les langues Indo-Europeenes occidentales
, halaman 574
Observations on Proto-Chinese morphology
, halaman 593
The origins of the Chinese tonal system
, halaman 599
Word order rules in German
, halaman 600
The inflection of Assiniboine nominal theme
, halaman 604
"At home and outside": A socio-linguistic study
, halaman 610
Onomastics and linguistics
, halaman 622
Linguistic geography applied to indigenous North American animal names
, halaman 622
Zwei wortgeschichtliche probleme
, halaman 623
On the contacts of Uralic linguistics with general and comparative studies, with special reference to recent trends in Uralic dialects
, halaman 624
Role des facteurs morphologiques dans l'evolution des phonemes
, halaman 765
Toward another conception of word order
, halaman 795
Properties of a class of categorial grammars
, halaman 803
The standardization of writing
, halaman 891
Segmentation of natural speech into syllables by acoustic-phonetic means
, halaman 899
An investigation of syntactic structure by a general-purpose computer
, halaman 913
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