Anda belum login :: 13 Mar 2025 09:54 WIB
BukuLanguage, mind, and brain
Author: Simon, Thomas W. (Editor); Scholes, Robert J. (Editor)
Bahasa: (EN )    ISBN: 0-89859-153-8(Hb)    
Penerbit: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates     Tempat Terbit: Hillsdale, New Jersey    Tahun Terbit: 1982    
Jenis: Books
  • Perpustakaan PKBB
    • Nomor Panggil: 401.9 SIM l
    • Non-tandon: 1 (dapat dipinjam: 1)
    • Tandon: tidak ada
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Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. Logic, reasoning, and logical form, halaman 13-19
  2. Variable-free semantics with remarks on procedural extensions, halaman 21-34
  3. Speaking of imagination, halaman 35-43
  4. Artificial intelligence and semantic theory, halaman 45-63
  5. Intensional logic and natural language , halaman 65-74
  6. How far can you trust a linguist?, halaman 75-87
  7. Propositional and algorithmic semantics, halaman 89-102
  8. Inference in the conceptual dependency paradigm: A personal history, halaman 103-128
  9. Implications of language studies for human nature, halaman 129-143
  10. Experiential factors in linguistics, halaman 145-156
  11. Grammar and sequencing in language, halaman 157-177
  12. Psycholinguistic experiment and linguistic intuition, halaman 179-188
  13. Metaphor and metal duality, halaman 189-211
  14. Computations and representations, halaman 213-224
  15. The cognitive sciences: a semiotic paradigm, halaman 225-240
  16. Animal communication as evidence of thinking, halaman 241-250
  17. Philosophy of science and recent research on language, mind, and brain, halaman 251-253

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