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BukuCognitive models of speech processing: psycholinguistic and computational perspectives on the lexicon
Author: Altmann, Gerry T.M. (Editor)
Bahasa: (EN )    ISBN: 0-86377-975-1    
Penerbit: Psychology Press     Tempat Terbit: Hove    Tahun Terbit: 1997    
Jenis: Books
  • Perpustakaan PKBB
    • Nomor Panggil: 401.9 ALT c
    • Non-tandon: 2 (dapat dipinjam: 1)
    • Tandon: 1
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Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. Preface, halaman 505-506
  2. On the Inseparability of Grammar and the Lexicon: Evidence from Acquisition, Aphasia and Real-time Processing, halaman 507-584
  3. Reflections on Phonological Boostrapping: Its Role in Lexical and Syntactic Acquisition, halaman 585-612
  4. Integrating Form and Meaning: A Distributed Model of Sppech Perception, halaman 613-656
  5. Syllabification in Speech Production: Evaluation of WEAVER, halaman 657-694
  6. The Time Course of Activation of Semantic Information During Spoken Word Recognition, halaman 695-732
  7. Semantic Errors as Neuropsychological Evidence for the Independence and the Interaction of Orthographic and Phonological Word Forms, halaman 733-764
  8. Structure and Function in the Lexical System: Insights from Distributed Models of Word Reading and Lexical Decision, halaman 765-806
  9. A Connectionist Model of the Arabic Plural System, halaman 807-838
  10. Abstracts the Syllable's Role in the Segmentation of Stress Languages, halaman 839-846
  11. Lexical Access in Speech Production: Serial or Cascaded Processing?, halaman 847-852
  12. Lexical Factors in Language Acquisition, halaman 853-858
  13. Conceptual Influences on Grammatical Planning Units, halaman 859-864
  14. Internal Structure of Phonetic Categories, halaman 865-870
  15. Levels of Processing in the Phonological Segmentation of Speec, halaman 871-876
  16. Effects of Structural Priming on Sentence Production in Aphasics, halaman 877-882
  17. Metrical Information in Speech Segmentation in Spanish, halaman 883-888

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