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ArtikelHarmonisasi Hukum Bisnis di Lingkungan Negara-negara ASEAN  
Oleh: Badrulzaman, Mariam Darus
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah nasional - tidak terakreditasi DIKTI
Dalam koleksi: Jurnal Hukum Bisnis vol. 22 no. 2 (2003), page 85-91.
Topik: HUKUM BISNIS; hukum bisnis; ASEAN
Fulltext: JJ102.3 22(2) 03 85-91.pdf (1.6MB)
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Isi artikelThe law harmonization is a process resulted through such effort of unification by approaching regulation and policy coordination for example, unification of contract law in the transaction of goods can be done by groupping sort of object of international transaction in accordance to domestic interest or by the whole arrangement of domestic business system. To avoid conflict of substantive concept of law from signatory - state there is a suggestion to settle down the problem by finding the best alternative solution together. Zaphitiou avows, that harmonization can be reached through a legislation reform, practices of the courts and academicians' thought. Arthur rosset describes harmonization through unification of international contract law as a value and a strategy in improving international transaction. The unification of law does not insist the change of signatory state domestic legal system. The effort of harmonization contract law runs on the ground of equality treatment amongst signatory states by determining the scope of problems discussed primarily about detail of contract, understanding of contract, standard of contract, implementation of contract, then it relations to the actual cases such as non performing, damages and indemnity. In case of the AFTA members there prevail two business law system, viz : continental law system (i. e. indonesia and thailand) and common law system (i. e. singapore, malaysia, brunei darussalam). Both systems have to be harmonized by examining the principle of UNIDROIT which is and international institution that have successfully implemented harmonization of law within members of the europe union.
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