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A Bench - Scale Treatment of Phenol and Chromium Containing Artificial Waste Water Using A Combination Process : Biological Adorption
Riadi, Lieke
Gultom, M.T.
Arifin, Y.
Fatmawati, A.
Irdawati, N.
Anna, D.
Article from Bulletin/Magazine
Dalam koleksi:
Jurnal Teknologi Industri dan Informasi vol. 3 no. 2 (Aug. 2002)
page 92-100.
wastewater treatment
artificial wastewater
combine treatment
biological adsorption
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A combined treatment process to simultaneously remove two industrial pollutants, phenol and hexavalent chromium from artificial wastewater was investigated under laboratory condition. In our experiments, phenol bidegradation was carried out by using phenol - degrading microorganism, pseudomonas putida ATCC 49451. Main adsorbent selected was coal fly ash. The selection of fly ash was made based on our results which showed that this adsorbent removed Cr (VI) more efficiently compared to two other adsorbents, zeolite and resin, but not for activated carbon. Phenol degradation was significantly influenced by the presence of Cr (VI) both for afitation and agitation -aeration experiments. Results from agitation and agitation - aeration experiments showed that the percentage of phenol degradation without Cr (VI) were 71.15 and 81.6 respectively. However, the percentage of phenol degradation in the presence of 7 ppm Cr (VI) for both agitation and agitation - aeration experiments were 15 % and 7.38 % respectively. The zone of "partial" and "total growth inhibition" based on duxbury equation in this research has been well identified. The duxbury constant, k, for agitation experiemnt is 0,055 and for agitation - aeration experiment is 0,4611. The percentage of phenol degradation in a medium with the presence of fly ash and absence of Cr (VI) was 60%. The presence of fly ash influenced phenol degradation, but it is not as big as the presence of Cr (VI). Combined biological - adsorption experiment exhibited phenol degradation efficiency of 30.09 % and Cr (VI) removal percentage as high as 51.22 although the Cr (VI) can be removed up to approximately 50 %, this combine treatment system has not yet been promising for field application since we consider that the efficiency of phenol degradation is low.
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