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Long-term average spectrum analysis of phonatory effects of noise and filtered auditory feedback
Perkins, W.
Gramming P.H.
Ternstrom, S.
Sundberg, J.
Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi:
Journal of Phonetics vol. 16 no. 2 (Apr. 1988)
page 203 - 220.
Perpustakaan PKBB
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Using long-term average spectrum (LTAS) analysis of fluent speech, the effects of speaking in noise and of speaking with differently filtered auditory feedback as well as of voluntarily changing vocal intensity is analyzed in nine male adult singers and non-singers. Three values in the LTAS are analyzed: the level of the main peak near 500 Hz, of a secondary peak near 2000 Hz and at the average Fo. The level at 500 Hz was highly correlated with the equivalent sound level, with the average Fo, and with the level of the peak near 2000 Hz. The singers were found to produce a higher sound level than the non-singers under all conditions, and their voices contained stronger high-frequency components. Also, unlike the non-singers they reduced vocal intensity when reading without added noise with enhanced high-frequency components in the auditory feedback. The LTAS effects of noise and of auditory feedback filtering was found to be similar to those of the changes of vocal intensity according to instruction for both singers and non-singers. When the high-frequency components of the auditory feedback was enhanced during reading in noise, both subject groups reduced vocal intensity.
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