Anda belum login :: 07 Mar 2025 09:14 WIB
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The effects of geometry on source mechanisms of africative consonants
Shadle, Christine H.
Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi:
Journal of Phonetics vol. 19 no. 3/4 (Jul. 1991)
page 409-424.
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Mechanical models of the vocal tract have often been used to measure source parameters needed for transmission-line models of fricative consonants. Since such theoretical models are based on the assumptions that source and filter are independent and that only one-dimensional sound propagation need be considered, the mechanical models generally have had highly idealized shapes. In this paper, experiments with two sets of more realistic models are reported; these were conducted in order to establish source parameters such as source location, degree of distribution and spectral characteristics. Both sets of models have midsagittal profiles copied from X-rays; one set also has a correct area function, with rectangular cross-sectional shapes throughout. Results suggest that although the area function is sufficient for predicting filter parameters, it is inadequate for predicting source parameters: small changes in the tract shape at or downstream of the constriction, which do not affect the area function significantly, do affect source parameters, and the radiated sound, significantly. In order to model the source mechanism accurately, for a transmission line or any other representation, it appears that the three-dimensional shape of the vocal tract at and anterior to the constriction must be considered.
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