Anda belum login :: 17 Feb 2025 10:54 WIB
ArtikelInvalid Response Sets in MMPI and MMPI - 2 Profiles of College Students  
Oleh: Sprock, June
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Educational and Psychological Measurement vol. 60 no. 6 (2000), page 956-964.
Topik: COLLEGE STUDENTS; college students; personality; psychological tests
Fulltext: 956.pdf (76.02KB)
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Isi artikelUndergraduats (63 men, 68 women) were adminsitered the minnesota multiphasis personality inventory (MMPI) and MMPI - 2 in counter balanced order, I week apart to examine invalid response sets in the MMPI versus MMPI - 2, in research volunteers. A number of participans had clinically significant elevations on infrequency (F) and back F (Fb). Examination of variable response inconsistency (VRIN). True response inconsistency (TRIN), and the new infrequency - psychopathology [F(p)] scale suggested elevations were due to endorsing highly in frequent items rather than random responding or psychopathology. When the profiles were rated for goodness - of - fit to six modal -invalid profile types, a number of profiles were possibly invalid. Gender differences were observed but few differences between the MMPI and MPI - 2 were found. However, the additional MMPI - 2 validity scales and the F (p) scale improve detection of invalid repsonse sets. Demographic and motivational factors, and recommendations for obtaining valid results from undergraduate volunteers, are discussed.
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