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ArtikelPriming Homographic Stems  
Oleh: Badecker, William ; Caramazza, Alfonso ; Laudanna, Alessandro
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Journal of Memory and Language (Full Text) vol. 28 no. 5 (Oct. 1989), page 531-546.
Fulltext: 28_05_Laudanna_Badecker_Caramazza.pdf (1.5MB)
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 Lihat Detail Induk
Isi artikelThree lexical decision experiments were carried out to address the issue of the morphological organization of lexical representations in the orthographic (input) lexicon. Lexical decisions were more difficult for simultaneously or sequentially presented words with homographic stems than for control words that did not have homographic stems. Stem homographs are stems that are orthographically identical but semantically and/or grammatically different. Lexical decisions for stimulus pairs such as portare (to carry)/porte (doors), which share the stem port-, were difficult relative to nonhomographic stem pairs such as collo (neck)/colpo (blow), which have the stems coll- and colp-. It was also found that morphologically related forms of the same ambiguous stem (e.g., porta (door)/porte (doors)) are easiest to process. The pattern of results provides strong support for the hypothesis that lexical representations are stored in morphologically decomposed form.
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