Anda belum login :: 07 Mar 2025 09:11 WIB
ArtikelDo we know how people identify spoken words?  
Oleh: Goodman, Judith C. ; Huttenlocher, Janellen
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Journal of Memory and Language (Full Text) vol. 27 no. 6 (Dec. 1988), page 684-698.
Fulltext: 27_06_Goodman_Huttenlocher.pdf (1.41MB)
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    • Nomor Panggil: 405/JML/27
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Isi artikelWe conducted four studies using a lexical decision task to investigate the processes involved in deciding whether a sound pattern is a non word. It has been claimed that subjects decide that a sound pattern is a nonword at the point where it deviates from all known words. We varied when during the sound pattern the deviation point occurred. According to this claim, the time to decide that a sound pattern is a nonword should be constant from the deviation point. Instead, we found longer decision times when the deviation point occurred earlier in the sound pattern, suggesting that information late in the sound pattern is relevant to nonword decisions. Still, when response times were measured from the target onset, they were slightly shorter when the deviation point occurred early. These findings can be accounted for either by a model of word recognition in which the input is processed from left to right, or by one which posits that there is more relevant information in early than in late portions of a word.
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