Anda belum login :: 07 Mar 2025 10:01 WIB
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A biomechanical and physiologically-based vocal tract modeland its control
Wilhelms-Tricarico, Reiner
Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi:
Journal of Phonetics vol. 24 no. 1 (Jan. 1996)
page 23-28.
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Speech production at the perip.herallevel is conceptually divided into a biomechanical and physlOloglcal process and a control process. The first part of the paper outlines a planned biomechanical model of the vocal tract and describes a preliminary dynamic tongue model. The tongue model is based on a nonlinear large-strain finite element description of biological tissue. The vocal tract model will be controlled by time varying input of muscular activation levels, in a similar way to the tongue model. Its outputs will be kinematic variables describing the changing vocal tract configuration, and in future elaborations, acoustic parameters. The second part of the paper discusses a hypothetical control structure. The structure is modular and hierarchically organized and transforms articulatory and auditory goals, which are quantitatively described by kinematic and acoustical parameters, into motor control commands steering the vocal tract model. Based on a theory of motor-learning, the main features of the controller are (i) a set of modular internal models which predict the effect of the control acting upon the biomechanical plant, and (ii) a set of control modules which take the estimated current state of the plant into account via the estimated state-related information given by the internal models.
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