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The Dispersion FocalizationTheory of vowel systems (jp970043)
Schwartz, J.L.
Abry C.
Vallee, N.
Boe, L. J.
Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi:
Journal of Phonetics vol. 25 no. 3 (Jul. 1997)
page 255-286.
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The Dispersion-Focalization Theory (DFf) attempts to predict vowel systems based on the minimization of an energy function summing two perceptual components: global dispersion, which is based on inter-vowel distances; and local focalization, which is based on intra-vowel spectral salience related to the proximity of formants. The computation takes place in an auditory (formant-based) space, and is controlled by two parameters, A, which sets the respective weight of FI and higher formants in auditory distances, and a, which sets the respective weights of the dispersion and focalization components. In this study, we first sample the acoustic space with 33 "prototypes" associated with the major primary articulations for vowels. Then, for a given number of vowels, we define two different tools, "phase spaces" for dealing with optimal systems and "stability" for characterizing sub-optimal ones. The corresponding predictions are compared with the main trends of vowel systems analyzed in a companion paper (Schwartz, Boe, Vallee & Abry, this issue). We then derive a region in the (A, a) space for which theory predictions fit quite well with phonological inventories, with a special concern for two problems, namely peripheral vowels and front rounded vowels. Finally we stress the difficulty of predicting some trends of vowel systems linked to the organization of vowels in series, which could constitute a limit to substance-based predictions of vowel inventories.
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