Anda belum login :: 07 Mar 2025 09:32 WIB
ArtikelMemory for embedded and sequential story structures  
Oleh: Goldman, Susan R. ; Varnhagen, Connie K.
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Journal of Memory and Language (Full Text) vol. 25 no. 4 (Aug. 1986), page 401-418.
Fulltext: 25_04_K Varnhagen_Connie.pdf (1.48MB)
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    • Nomor Panggil: 405/JML/25
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Isi artikelChildren's and adults' memory for multiple-episode stories having sequential as compared to embedded structures was examined in two experiments. The story events and states were virtually identical in the two structures; however, the sequencing of the events and states was manipulated to produce sequential causal chain and embedded causal net-work structures. Recall memory and causal explanations for story events were examined in Experiment 1 for adults at immediate and delayed tests and in Experiment 2 for fifth and third grade children. Patterns of differential recall for specific information in the stories were generally consistent with recursive network models. Variance in recall was predicted by story category. The predictive importance of number of causal connections and level ill an embedded goal hierarchy varied as a function of structure, time of test, and age. Causal explanations for goals and for goal-attaining actions also reflected the hypothesized differences between causal chain and causal network structures in all four groups. Goals were given as causal explanations far more frequently than would have been expected on the basis of the recall data. This "paradox" suggests the importance of understanding the assumptions that story tellers or retellers make regarding the "natural" inference processes their audiences.
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