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ArtikelThe Relationship Between the Frequency and the Processing Complexity of Linguistic Structure  
Oleh: Gibson, Edward ; Salomon, Ariel ; Schutze, Carson T.
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Journal of Psycholinguistics Research =>ada di SpringerLink 1972(vol.1) - Mutakhir; PROQUEST vol. 25 no. 1 (Jan. 1996), page 59-92.
Fulltext: The Relationship between the frequency.pdf (4.19MB)
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Isi artikelIn this paper the raltive frequencies of possible resolutions of ambiguities involving noun phrase attachment sites are compared to the results of off-line psycholinguistic measurements of syntactic complexity. A lack of correlation between the two is observed. It is therefore argued that the comprehension system is distinct from what is driving the frequencies in the corpora. A production heuristic from the comprehension system is proposed to account for the observed frequencies.
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