Anda belum login :: 13 Mar 2025 09:51 WIB
ArtikelComponents of fluent reading  
Oleh: Baddeley, Alan D. ; Logie, Robert H. ; Nimmo-Smith, Ian ; Brereton, Neil
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Journal of Memory and Language (Full Text) vol. 24 no. 1 (Feb. 1985), page 119-131.
Fulltext: 24_01_Baddeley_Logie_Nimmo-Smith_Brereton.pdf (1.09MB)
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Isi artikelTwo experiments studied individual differences among normal adults in performance on the Nelson-Denny reading test to cast light on the processes involved in reading. Experiment 1 correlated reading comprehension with performance on the Daneman and Carpenter working memory span test, vocabulary, lexical decision with both homophonous and nonhomophonous nonwords, and Posner's letter matching task, based on both physical and name matching. Working memory span proved to be a significant predictor as did lexical decision with nonhomophonous nonwords, letter name matching, and vocabulary. A derived measure indicating degree of phonological coding in lexical decision was only weakly correlated with comprehension while the physical name match difference on the Posner task was uncorrelated with reading performance. A second experiment explored further the working memory span task, comparing it with a nonlinguistic span test devised by Case, Kurland, and Goldberg based on memory and counting. While the verbal working memory measure again correlated significantly with comprehension, the counting measure was much more weakly related. As in Experiment 1, vocabulary also correlated significantly with comprehension. It is concluded that reading comprehension is dependent on a number of separable components including vocabulary, working memory, and a general lexical access process.
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