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ArtikelPerancangan Experiment Menggunakan Metode Taguchi untuk Tipe Data Atribut (Studi Kasus di PT Supramas Inti Kemilau)  
Oleh: Marie, Iveline Anne ; Sugiarto, Dedy ; Kurniawan, Hendra
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah nasional - tidak terakreditasi DIKTI - atma jaya
Dalam koleksi: Metris: Jurnal Mesin, Elektro, Industri dan Sains vol. 1 no. 4 (Dec. 2000), page 29-35.
Topik: metode taguchi; Taguchi; Orthogonal Array; Fraction Defective; Quality Characteristic; Internal Failure Cost
Fulltext: perancangan ekperimen menggunakan metode taguchi.pdf (5.29MB)
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Isi artikelCase study using taguchi method in attribute data (fraction defective analysis) was done at PT. Supramas Inti Kemilau. As the pan manufacturer, this company needs to look for optimum setting in pan groundcoating. The enamel quality characteristics in groundcoating are bubble structure performance and adherence. Those chatacteristics are classified into three classes (good, fair and bad) with larger the better approximation (good+fair). There are five factors that influence enamel quality characteristics in groundcoating such as enamel variant, oven temperature, enamel density, conveyor speed and coating layer thickness. The first factor has two levels and the other factors have three levels. The ortogonal array (OA) selected was OA 18 so only 18 experimental runs were required. A full factorial experiment studying the same number offactors would require 2 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 = = 162 experimental runs. The first Taguchi experiment give the factor influenced performance characteristic (coating thickness, enamel variant and oven temperature) and adherence characteristic (enamel density). The second Taguchi experiment (confirmation experiment) was done using two optimum setting from the first experiment result. The result of hyphotesis testing on performance characteristic measured on the basis of good+fair percentage indicated that there was a sign ificant increase, Lefrom 83,2 % using current setting to 91,875 % using first confirmation setting (based on performance characteristic). The result of hyphotesis testing on adherence characteristic measured on the basis of good+fair percentage indicated that there was a sign (ficant increase, i.e. from 81,8 % using current setting to 87,5 % using first confirmation setting (based on performance characteristic). Using internal failure cost as another criteria is also give the same result. With the optimum setting (based on performance characteric), the company can reduce 41,07 % internal failure cost, campared to current setting.
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