Anda belum login :: 07 Mar 2025 09:13 WIB
ArtikelAnalysis and Comparison of WISC - III Weighted Sum Score Factor Models Using Two Independent Samples  
Oleh: Cramer, Kenneth M.
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Educational and Psychological Measurement vol. 58 no. 5 (1998), page 754-767.
Topik: COMPARISON; mathematical models; psychological tests; intelligence
Fulltext: 754.pdf (1.19MB)
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Isi artikelResearchers have yet to assess child intelligenc emodels based on weighted sum scores (WSSs) or linear combinations on ten principal subtests to derive specific ability scores (e. g. full, verbal and performance IQ). The present study assessed whether the one or two factor - wechsler or WSS structural models adequately fit the WISC - III covariance matrices. Using several indices, results showed the WSS model offered equivalent fit to wechsler's model when using one factor but offered superior fit when using two. A forward - stepping analysis showed the addition of particular supplementary subtests (mazes and digit span for one factor, mazes for two) offered the best fit, but these supplemented models were inferior to wechsler's four - factor model. For each age group, both the WSS and supplemented models provided better fithtan wechsler's models but still required modification, especially for the one - factor solution. Cross - validation using a recent independent sample confirmed these results.
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