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ArtikelThe analysis of code switching and code mixing used in Toba Batak radio program  
Oleh: Nasution, Ely Hayati ; Silalahi, Roswita
Jenis: Article from Proceeding
Dalam koleksi: KIMLI 2018: Kongres International Masyarakat Linguistik Indonesia, 13-16 Agustus 2018, Universitas Papua, Manokwari: “Mengusung Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Daerah menuju Kesetaraan dalam Kebhinekaan.”, page 55-58.
Topik: code mixing; code switching; radio program; Toba Batak
Fulltext: 55-58.pdf (355.06KB)
Isi artikelBilingualism and multilingualism have become a popular issue to discuss due to the effect of globalization on language, especially the local language. It causes some changes for the language use, specifically those related to the mass media, for instance, a radio program. This paper aims at analyzing types of code switching (Poplack: 2000) and code mixing (McKay and Nancy, 1996) used in chatting room of GoBatak internet radio station. This research was the combination of library and field research. The research applied qualitative descriptive method focused on content analysis by doing documentation (recording) and interview. The main data next were analyzed in order to find out types of code switching and code mixing used and then were translated into Bahasa Indonesia (Larson, 1998), by correlating them with the additional data. The research found that code switching (intersentential and intrasentential code switching) and code mixing (in the form of insertion of word and phrase) occured on the listeners’ chats, however, the percentage was low. It indicates that empowering radio program with local language based is an effective way in order to enhance the existence of local language.
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