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ArtikelPronoun of Ciacia language  
Oleh: Fajrhi, Nur
Jenis: Article from Proceeding
Dalam koleksi: KOLITA 16: Konferensi Linguistik Tahunan Atma Jaya Keenam Belas Tingkat Internasional, page 352.
Topik: Ciacia language; pronoun; affixation
Fulltext: 352 Nur Fajrhi.pdf (231.17KB)
Isi artikelCiacia Language is a language that spoken in some small islands in the Southeast Sulawesi of Indonesia like in Buton Island, Batu Atas Island, and Binongko Island. In the family of Austronesian, it is categorized as daughter language in the branch of West Malayo Polinesian in the sub family of Muna- Butung (Blust, 2013). The numbers of the speakers are about 79.000 (according to ethnologue encyclopedia). According the previous researches about this language, the presence of the number of subject will influence the verb morphology in the sentence structure. Thus a research about pronoun in Ciacia language is needed. This article aims to outline kinds of pronoun found in Ciacia language. The data was collected from conversation in WhatsApp Group (WAG) Reuni Akbar MHS Laporo and some posts and comments in Facebook Bugi- Karya Baru Community (BKBC) on January 2018 under observation method and note taking technique.The data is analyzed using referential corresponding method to the theory of pronoun by Alwi etc. (2014). The data then will be distributed in informal way. The result shows that there are three kinds of pronoun in Ciacia language namely personal pronoun, indicator pronoun, and questioner pronoun. Personal pronoun is related to number in Ciacia language namely singular number and plural number. Indau, isoo, and ia is used for first, second, and third singular person. For plural number, there are Isami (exclude addressee) and Ikita (include addressee) for first plural, isimiu for second plural, and moiya for third plural. This pronoun also has alternative pattern as object and clitic. There are two types of indicator pronoun, general indicator and place indicator. The general indicators are cukee ‘that’ and naiya ‘this’. Place indicator is represented by kaina/ kanakee ‘here’, ilalo ‘in’, kaincu/ kacukee ‘there’, kailonge ‘there (further)’. Questioner pronoun is indicated by question marks that ask about people and things. The question marks are parae ‘what’ and indee ‘who’. Parae ‘what’ is used when we are asking about things and indee ‘who’ is used for asking about people or people name.
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