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Artikel The ideology revealed in the translation of a poem “aku merasa asing di sini, di kala salju menyelimuti kota” into “i feel like an alien here in a snowy town”  
Oleh: Sita Oentari, Brigitta ; Setiajid, Harris Hermansyah
Jenis: Article from Proceeding
Dalam koleksi: KOLITA 16: Konferensi Linguistik Tahunan Atma Jaya Keenam Belas Tingkat Internasional, page 102-106.
Topik: literary text translation; ideology; translation shift; expression shift
Fulltext: 102-106 Brigitta Sita Oentari and Harris Hermansyah Setiajid_Edited.pdf (327.75KB)
Isi artikelTranslating literary text has always aroused questions on how accurate the target text language might be. Since translating is not restricted on the alteration from source text to the target text, translation itself possibly has been a great matter for the translator. The intact meaning is demanded to be wrapped up in both languages without imposing on one language only. Thus, translating literary text is more challenging. Not only merely changing the meaning and lexical elements from the source text author, formation and ideology should be brought as well to the literary text as a totality. Ideology as a combination of ideas underlying literary text cannot be overlooked as an inconsequential element. The existence of ideology holds an important role in determining the value of literature. Different values seen by both the author and the translator could lead to different point of views in literature. The ideology of a work that follows then will differ from the translated text as well. The problem is, will literary texts written and translated by one person deliver the same ideologies? Or does ideology simply shift along with the shift of language? This study aims to observe the shift on cultural expression and the portrayal of ideologies from a poem written by Elisabeth Arti Wulandari which in Bahasa Indonesia titled “Aku Merasa Asing di Sini, di Kala Salju Menyelimuti Kota” and translated to English entitled “I Feel Like an Alien Here in Snowy Town”. The question on whether the same person both writing and tranlating the poem will result to the exact ideology will also be answered in this paper.
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