Anda belum login :: 13 Mar 2025 09:44 WIB
ArtikelThe Effect of Population Distribution and Method of Theta Estimation on Computerized Adaptive Testing (CAT) Using The Rating Scale Model  
Oleh: Dodd, Barbara G. ; Fitzpatrick, Steven J. ; Liling, Hou ; Ssu-Kuang, Chen
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Educational and Psychological Measurement vol. 57 no. 3 (1997), page 422-439.
Topik: RATING; models; population; tests
Fulltext: 422.pdf (1.44MB)
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Isi artikelA simulation study was conducted to investigate the effect of population distribution on maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) and expected a posterior estimation (EAP) in computerized adaptive testing (CAT sed on andrich's rating scale model. Comparisons were made among MLE and EAP with a normal prior distribution and EAP with a uniform prior distribution within two data sets : one generated using a normal trait distribution and the other using a negatively skewed trait distribution. Descriptive statistics, correlations, scattergrams, and accuracy indices were used to compare the different methods of trait estimation. EAP estimation with a normal prior or uniform prior yielded results similar to those obtained with MLE, even though the prior did not match the underlying trait distribution. An additional simulation study based on real data suggested that more work is needed to determine the optimal number or quadrature points for EAP in CAT based on the rating scale model. The choices between MLE and EAP for particular measurement situations is discussed.
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