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ArtikelAntecedents of Job Satisfaction and the Influence on Turnover Intention  
Oleh: Srimindarti, Ceacilia ; Oktaviani, Rachmawati Meita ; Hardiningsih, Pancawati
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah nasional - terakreditasi DIKTI
Dalam koleksi: Jurnal Dinamika Manajemen vol. 8 no. 2 (2017), page 177-187.
Topik: Leadership Style; Organizational Commitment; Job Satisfaction; Turnover Intention
Fulltext: 12758-30213-2-PB_Ros.pdf (202.62KB)
Isi artikelThis study aimed to examine the effect of the antecedent of job satisfaction on job satisfaction, the influence of leadership style, organizational commitment and job satisfaction on turnover intention and whether job satisfaction was able to mediate the relation of antecedent of job satisfaction on turnover intention. The respondents in this study were employees at consulting firms in Semarang. The analysis instrument in this research was the multiple regression. The study showed that leadership style and organizational commitment had positive influence on job satisfaction. The other result of this study showed that leadership style, organizational commitment and job satisfaction had negative influence on turnover intention. With the proven fact of the influence of leadership style, organizational commitment and job satisfaction on turnover intention, the managers of consulting firms, therefore, should use leadership style that fit with employees, should try to increase the organization’s commitment to employees so they knew that they were a part of the organization and to maintain their membership in the organization and should improve employee satisfaction in order to reduce the turnover intention among employees.
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