Anda belum login :: 17 Feb 2025 07:37 WIB
ArtikelMemory for Cultural Information About Russia and The United States : Effects of Nationality and Mood  
Oleh: Stephan, Walter G. ; Gabrielidis, Cristina ; Abalakina-Paap, Marina ; Stephan, Cookie White ; Stefanyenko, Tatyana
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology ( vol. 32 no. 1 (Jan. 2001), page 32-42.
Topik: Cultural; perceptions; culture; psychology
Fulltext: 32.pdf (95.89KB)
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Isi artikelThis study exmaines the processing of information about culture by russians and americans. The participants were induced into either a positive or a negative mood, read identical favorable, unfavorable and neutral information about russia or the united states, and completed a recognition task containing both statements they had read and statements they had not read. There was evidence of a bias toward greater recognition of unfavorable cultural information, particular for americans. In addition, russians and americans recognized different types of information, with americans more likely to accurately recognize information that had been presented, and russians somewhat more likely to recognize information that had not actully been presented. Finally, for anxiety a mood - incongruent effect was found for favorable cultural information. Implications of these findings for cross - cultural interactions and research needed to understand the effects of anxiety on memory are discussed.
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