Anda belum login :: 07 Mar 2025 10:14 WIB
ArtikelSpectroscopic Contrast of Diarylethene Molecules on Octanethiol Monolayer  
Oleh: Arramel ; Kudernac, Tibor ; Katsonis, Nathalie ; Feringa, Bernard Lucas ; Wees , Bart Jan van
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah nasional - terakreditasi DIKTI
Dalam koleksi: Makara Journal of Technology vol. 21 no. 2 (Aug. 2017), page 75-82.
Topik: Bias-dependent; tunneling; octanethiols; STM; diarylethenes
Fulltext: 3482-1504-1-PB_Ros.pdf (1.18MB)
Isi artikelWe present a systematic scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) study of bias-dependent imaging of disulfur diarylethene (2S-DE) molecules on octanethiol (C8) monolayer at room temperature. In a rigid confinement of the C8 matrix, we did not observe any significant variation in the appearance of the 2S-DE. On the contrary, a reversal in the apparent height of the 2S-DE was present when the molecule was situated on a gold vacancy island. We attributed this finding to the presence of a new electronic state that became accessible for a tunneling event. In addition, the C8 surface structure underwent a reversible phase transformation from v3 x v3 R30º hexagonal to c(4x2) square superlattice when the bias voltage was reduced from -825 mV to -425 mV or vice versa. Under a finite bias voltage, an appreciable topographic variation of the 2S-DE signature was demonstrated for the first time. This finding can be ascribed to a finite overlap of the associated wave functions that occurred between the tip state and the 2S-DE molecular energy level. We believe that physical insight on the bias-dependent imaging of organic molecules on solid surface is important towards the advancement of molecular electronics-based devices.
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