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Collection Detail
Reducing the Role Conflict of Working Woman: Between Work and Family Centrality
Ranihusna, Desti
Wulansari, Nury Ariani
Article from Journal - ilmiah nasional - terakreditasi DIKTI
Dalam koleksi:
Jurnal Dinamika Manajemen vol. 6 no. 02 (2015)
page 214-225.
Pay Satisfaction (PS)
Work-Family Conflict (WFC)
Family-Work Conflict (FWC)
Job Satisfaction (JS)
Work Family Centrality
Isi artikel
The aim of this study is to test the direct impact on pay satisfaction in WFC and examines direct effect of WFC and FWC for work satisfaction. It also examines the impact of the moderating variable of work-family centrality moderating variable) from the relation of WFC and FWC in work satisfaction (a case study of married female lecturers in UNNES). This research was done because there were differences between results of WFC and FWC to JS and recommendation to add moderating variable and PS to WFC. It used SPSS to examine hypothesis with CFA, to test validity, classical assumption testing and t test was also used. The moderating variable was tested by the value of absolute deviation. The data in this research is primary data in the form of questionnaire and interview. The result shows that there are high impacts between PS and WFC. There is no effect between WFC and FWC to JS. Supporting moderating variable is Work Centrality. Although, they prioritize their family, female lecturers are still trying to work professionally.
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